Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

I dont know what the tittle ?

i know it was wrong. i keep making mistakes and regret for what i've done at the end, i could say im just a human, im not that perfect...but i feel like i never done something right, something which make someone notice me. i dont wanna be the center of attention, i just wanna be the main things that fill someone head and keep thinking "how could i make her comfort with me?". love, very taboo to talk about. i lie if i say i dont need em, but if it just uncomfortable to me then i'll better stay alone,until someone whom really wanna prove that he needs me, not wanted me to be his girl.complicated eh? well, lately i regret to hurt someone, im selfish..thats so i am. i keep put a boundary between us, never let you pass the line even u really wanna try it. im sorry for saying sorry, cause i feel unworthy for still put ur name in my mind, i was too bad. too bad to remember, am i? i saw they're moving on and they're happy..arent they? most of them act like im their enemy now, maybe I probably deserve to be treated like that, i am the problem. i still confused for what should i do now, do you understand that i need ur presence. although i've broke that porcelain, i promise to not make it small flakes. yeah i know u dont understand, i know exactly what r u thinking about...rrrgghh i cant desribe it.

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